Camp Life

Barrie Yacht Club Sailing Camp

Anyone can take part in safe, enjoyable sailing activities! Sailing School for youth, race training with a competitive team, and regatta management/race officer training are available.

Sail training follows Sport Canada guidelines, starting with the ABCs–agility, balance, and coordination, proceeding through the FUNdamental skills and, as the youngster matures, skill consolidation, to mastery and lifelong participation in the sport.

Youth ages 8 and up: Monday to Friday, July and August

What Will Sailing Do For My Child?

  • Sailing gives children character education, in responsibility and respect for the environment, perseverance, integrity, self-discipline, trustworthiness, following rules and water safety.
  • Sailing helps youth gain self-esteem and confidence, learn teamwork, enhance fitness with a new environmentally friendly sport
  • Your youngster will learn a lifelong skill
  • Have fun!

A Day At Sailing School

0900  Warm-up time: play on the beach, games, fun to get moving and prepare for an active day.

0945   Divide into groups and rig boats

1030  Land lessons, an activity for warm-up fun, and then out to sail!

1230  Lunch time!  Beach and swim time.  All eyes on kids!

1330  Land lessons, and more activity, then out to sail!

1530  De-rig the boats, debrief, and games.

1600  Home time.   See you tomorrow!

Sailing School Rules

  1. Have fun and BE SAFE
  2. PFD/lifejacket to be worn: on the dock, in the boat, at the boat launch and while swimming
  3. Shoes and proper clothing (sun protection, warmth, as needed) at all times
  4. Peanut free lunches, water, and sunscreen are essential
  5. Stay in sight of the instructors
  6. Be sure to tell your instructor when you are leaving/taking others home.
  7. RESPECT your instructor, your peers, our boats and equipment
  8. ZERO TOLERANCE of unsafe or dangerous behaviour

More Sailing

2 sailboats launching at the Barrie Yacht Club

Youth Lessons

2 sailboats launching at the Barrie Yacht Club


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