Commodore’s Report 2017 – Kurt Stahle – 2017

by | Jan 15, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Fellow BYC Members,

I’d like to start off by extending my sincerest gratitude and thanks to the 2017 Board of the Barrie Yacht

While not the busy harbour wall construction site of 2015, we still needed to react to major work being
done by our City on Johnson Street. We appreciated your cooperation with respect to moving and
removing boats. And of course, our lift-in and haul-outs were safe and efficient.

I’d like to extend my thanks to you, the membership of the club, for making the 2017 season a fantastic
one. I always value your kind words and comments and your feedback is always appreciated when it
comes to areas for improvement.

It truly was an honour to serve with this Board. Several of these roles are quite demanding and all rose
to the challenge. That’s not to say we didn’t have challenges, as we will get into later in the meeting.
But as a whole, I have to say that I was very impressed with this team. They worked hard and our 2017
season showed that, without a doubt.

I can’t thank Geoff Mitchinson enough for his work. Making a “threepeat” as Property, Geoff worked
tirelessly to organize all key work parties that bring the club to life and get it ready for winter slumber.
You can’t possibly appreciate the level of dedication and effort that Geoff has put forth. We owe him a
considerable debt of gratitude for keeping out club running in great shape. As a membership base, we
generally do well to support the running of the club, but as we will discuss later, more needs to be done
in terms of taking responsibility for simple things like closing club house doors and turning the BBQs off.
Also making a “threepeat”, I’d like to recognize Steve Volkmann as Entertainment. Steve and his crew
delivered the goods on so many events and he has earned a well-deserved break from this role.
Dave Bussin in the role of Regatta Chair was also outstanding. Dave was recognized at our Awards
Banquet, but I have to thank him here as well.

In closing, I want to say that it has been an honour to serve as your Commodore; thank you again to the
Board and to you, the membership. I look forward to the next year as Past Commodore, looking after
membership sales and service. BYC is truly a home away from home and I’m glad to lend a hand to keep
it on track.

Kurt Stahle,
Commodore 2017